Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, University of Isfahan

2 Ph. D Student of Sport Management, University of Isfahan


The purpose of this research was to determine of relationship between the role of significant others and adolescents' participation in physical activity and sport and presenting the model. The research method was descriptive in the type of correlational. The statistical population of research was the adolescents of 12 to 18-year- old of Zarinshahr. Using  Krejcie and Morgan Table 381 person were selected by Stratified random sampling. The research tool was international physical activity questionnaire and researcher made questionnaire of the role of significant others. The validity of international physical activity questionnaire was approved in internal and external researches. The validity of significant others questionnaire was confirmed by exact investigation of research literature and by considering of professors and experts opinion (10 person). The questionnaire’s construct validity also, using appropriate statistical methods was approved. The reliability of questionnaires was investigated in a pilot study through Cronbach's alpha and reliability coefficient of international physical activity questionnaire .92 and significant others roles questionnaire .94 was calculated. To analyze the data, the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The results showed that there was a relationship between the role of significant others and physical activity level and adolescents' participation in sport. Also, the supporter role of parents, role model of peer and coaction role of teachers had the highest correlation with the level of physical activity, and encourager role of parents, role model of peer and coaction of teachers had the highest correlation with adolescence’s participation in sport. Finally, the results of research model testing showed teachers had the greatest impact on adolescents' participation in physical activity and sport, and after that were peers and parents.


Main Subjects

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