Ethical Charter of the Journal of Research on Educational Sport

According to the approach of Sport Sciences Research Institute of Iran to produce and publish accurate and genuine scientific information, as well as the international guide compiled as the guide of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Journal of Research on Educational Sport as one of SSRI journals is committed to adhering to the principles of professional ethics.

To be informed on these principles, you can read the fundamental principles of the committee of ethics in publishing ( Obviously, this publication will deal with any plagiarism or other immoral behavior in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the principles of dealing with scientific violations of the committee of ethics in publishing (

In this regard, the following items are mandatory to be considered as ethical standards for the contributors of the journal (including the editor and reviewers) as well as the audience of the journal (including the main authors and co-authors, consultants, or collaborators whose names are mentioned in the acknowledgment section, readers and other researchers).

The following items are considered in the present charter:


Publisher Responsibilities and Obligations:

  • The Journal of Research on Educational Sport ensures that the final decision on submitted papers is based solely on professional review and will not be influenced by commercial or personal interests.
  • The Journal of Research on Educational Sport ensures that submitted papers are evaluated confidentially and anonymously by reviewers selected by the editor in chief or secretary or both.
  • In the Journal of Research on Educational Sport papers will be accepted, rejected, or be sent back to the author to be revised based on the decision of the reviewers and the editorial committee and the final decision will be made by the editor in chief.
  • The Journal of Research on Educational Sport always evaluates and supervises the observance of ethics in publishing scientific papers by the editor-in-chief, managing editors, members of the editorial board, reviewers, authors, and readers.
  • The Journal of Research on Educational Sport reviews the submitted papers to ensure compliance with ethical principles and to prevent plagiarism and scientific misconduct by the plagiarism checker software.
  • The Journal of Research on Educational Sport ensures that it will publish the necessary corrections and explanations of its published papers in case it is necessary.


Ethical principles for the editor in chief of the journal of Research on Educational Sport


  • The editor in chief recognizes the intellectual independence of the authors and respects it.
  • The editor-in-chief's point of view of all submitted papers to the journal is non-discriminatory and the evaluation of received papers is based on the qualifications of the papers and regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender, position, or organizational affiliation of the author (s).
  • The editor-in-chief reviews all received papers within a reasonable time.
  • The editor-in-chief is in charge of the final decision for papers to be rejected or accepted. This decision is made based on the opinions received by the reviewers and members of the editorial board of the journal. Due to inconsistency, a paper may be rejected by the editor in chief without going through the reviewing process. Rejection of these papers may be based on the paper being out of the subject area of the journal, is not related to current topics, not having the necessary depth of content or many other reasons.
  • The right to reject similar papers due to non-observance of ethical principles is reserved for the editor in chief.
  • Editor in chief has full authority to appoint the reviewers of each paper. The editor in chief may ask the opinion of the editorial board of the journal or even the authors of the papers themselves to select the reviewers.

Ethical principles for the authors of the journal of Research on Educational Sport


  • The most significant moral responsibility of an author is to present a correct and complete report of the research and try not to commit plagiarism in any way, including word-for-word or close to the content, similar quotation from a text, or the results of other people's research, etc.
  • The author is committed to providing the necessary evidence for the submitted paper, including spreadsheet files consisting of supplemental data, charts or diagrams, tools (if any) as well as examples of materials and samples reviewed.
  • Correct citation to all resources, whether they have been used directly or indirectly, is required.
  • Any possible risks associated with the methods or materials used in the research should be clearly stated in the submitted paper. In addition, the authors should inform the editor-in-chief of any possibility of misuse of the reported results or methods used.
  • Authors are advised to refrain from fragmenting the results of research (and submitting related sections to various journals).
  • In case the paper has already been rejected (in this journal or any other publication) or has been removed from the publication process, the author should inform the editor in chief and clarify reasons for rejection or exit from the publication cycle and explain the revised done by the author.
  • All main authors and co-authors whose titles are listed in the author's section of a paper should have the minimum qualifications of scientific participation in the paper. Other contributors should be named in the acknowledgment section. The names of eligible deceased colleagues can be mentioned in the author's section. The corresponding author has the duty to send a copy of the submitted paper to all co-authors and get their confirmation to be a co-author.
  • The corresponding author is responsible for reporting potential conflicts of interest and sponsors of the research.

   Ethical principles for the reviewers of the journal of Research on Educational Sport

  • Since the review process is one of the crucial steps in accepting a manuscript, if the reviewer recognizes that the submitted paper is not in his/ her field of expertise for any reason, he/ she should decline to review the paper.
  • The reviewer has to respect the intellectual independence of the author while also evaluating the quality of the paper impartially.
  • The reviewer should feel responsible for the principle of non-conflict of interest when reviewing a paper that is in conflict with one of his/ her published papers, and if he/ she feels that the paper is in conflict with his/ her work, he/ she should immediately return the paper to the editor in chief and inform him of the conditions of conflict of interest or any possible abuse.
  • The reviewer should consider the paper received for review as a confidential document. The reviewer should not share the paper with others or discuss it with others unless he or she wishes to use the views of others in the review process.
  • The reviewers must attach the necessary explanations about their comments.
  • The reviewers should take into account the authors' negligence in citing similar research.
  • Delays in reviewing a paper seem normal; however, reviewers should notify the editor of possible delays and set a new time for reviewing.
  • Reviewers are not allowed to use the unpublished information, discussions, and interpretations of the journal’s papers in their own research without the permission of the author (s) of the paper.
  • Reviewers should inform the editor in chief of received research reports cases that are suspected to be directly abused.


 The Journal of Research on Educational Sport is published under the license of (CC-By 4.0) and individuals can use its contents only if they cite the main article.

By submitting an article to this journal, all intellectual property rights except the copyright of the article will belong to the authors, provided that the main reference of the articles (Research on Educational Sport) is mentioned and cited in republishing and using the content of the articles.

 Principles of Transparency

 Review Process

The Journal of Research on Educational Sport is a print and electronic quarterly journal that reviews and evaluates articles by expert reviewers anonymously. The process and policies for reviewing articles are described on the journal's website.

Secretaries and Editorial Board

The Journal of Research on Educational Sport has a very specialized and professional editorial board in Sports Sciences, whose members are well-known experts in the field. The full name and information are provided on the website.

 Costs for Authors:

The journal of Research on Educational Sport receives 300,000 Tomans (three hundred thousand Tomans) from the authors in the post-acceptance step (fee for review, acceptance, and publication)

 Access costs:

The Journal of Research on Educational Sport is an open-access journal and the full text of published articles is available to everyone.