Research on Educational Sport” journal is published as to quarterlies with the priority of evaluation, review, and publication of articles in the following issues:
- Education systems in sport
- Learning and teaching physical education and sport sciences
- Educational planning and management, curriculum planning, education services quality, and technology in physical education and sport sciences
- Future studies and strategic studies in educational sport
- Islamic foundations studies in educational sport
- Philosophy and history of physical education and sport sciences
- Sociology and psychology of learning and teaching in sport
- Knowledge and social capital management in sport
- Cultural studies in sport environments
- Motor and sport literacy
- Law and ethics studies in sport
- Lifestyle and leisure time enrichment through sport
- Sport-for-all and its promotion in the society
This journal was published quarterly and since Winter 2014, it was published in every quarter.
Types of articles
- Research articles
- Review articles
Terms and conditions for manuscript submission
In order to facilitate the process of reviewing manuscripts, it is necessary for researchers to pay attention to the following points, otherwise, the manuscript will not be reviewable and evaluated, and in this case, only one time the author has the possibility to resubmit the paper.
- Paper submission is possible only through the website of the Journal of Research on Educational Sport and the publication is exempt from accepting the article manually or by e-mail.
Website address: Research on Educational Sport
- Submitted papers should not have previously been published in other domestic and foreign journals or be submitted to other domestic or foreign journals for review at the same time.
- The editorial board of the journal has the permission to accept, reject or edit the article (with the approval of the author).
- In papers that are taken from a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation, the names of supervisors and advisors should be mentioned.
- The person who submits the paper should be the corresponding author of the paper and all the necessary correspondence and follow-up regarding the paper will be done with the corresponding author, obviously, other correspondence other than the corresponding author will not be considered.
- The corresponding author has to be a university faculty member.
- The corresponding author is responsible for the accuracy of the content.
- The order of the authors' names is based on the order that is entered in the website profile. The corresponding author must enter the names of all authors correctly and completely on the site.
- In order to expedite the process of evaluating papers, it is necessary for authors to fully comply with the items mentioned in the submission instruction.
- The papers will be placed in “articles in press” after acceptance.
- Informing the corresponding author is done through the site and e-mail (the corresponding author is required to refer to both to follow up the process).
- In case the authors wish to cancel the review process, the corresponding author is required to send a cancellation request through the site (request to withdraw the manuscript), the cancellation request letter should be signed by all authors and be sent as a PDF file.
- Completing and submitting the commitment form, conflict of interest, and specifications of the authors is mandatory (refer to the forms menu to receive the forms)
- Submitted papers must be prepared in accordance with the submission instruction; otherwise, the paper will be returned to the author and will not be included in the evaluation process.
- The email address of the corresponding author is better to be an organizational email.
- Acceptance letters of this journal are issued with the signature of the editor.
- Regarding the originality of the paper, if the paper is taken from a master thesis or doctoral dissertation, or research project, the author is obliged to send the relevant document in the form of supplementary files (author details). If the paper is not taken from the research project, thesis or dissertation, researchers should get the approval of the project implementation protocol from at least one research group and attach it to the files. The papers will not be reviewed until the document is submitted.
- According to the regulations of the Journal Review Commission, scientific research journals approved by that organization cannot allocate more than ten percent of printed articles in a year to articles by the same author. Therefore, it is stipulated that each author be allowed to have a maximum of two articles in review and ready to be published in the journal. Also each year only one paper could be published in the journal by the same author.
- According to the license of the Publications Review Commission and according to the approvals of the SSRI board of directors, three hundred thousand Tomans will be received for issuing acceptance letters.