Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sport Sciences, Shafagh Institute of Higher Education, Tonekabon, Iran

2 Department of Sport Sciences, Shafagh Institute of Higher Education, Tonekabon, Mazandaran, Iran


The present study was designed based on aim of the effect of teacher-centered, moderate, and student-centered teaching styles of teachers on the sport goal orientation (task and ego orientation) of students in physical education. In a quasi-experimental research of pre-, post-, and pursue-test, sixty and six fifth grade school boy students and three similar physical education teachers of Kallaleh schools were randomly assigned to the three teaching styles groups of teacher-centered (n= 21), moderate (n= 23), and student-centered (n=22). During three stages of beginning, week 5, and week 10, students of each group responded to goal orientation questionnaire (Cuming et al, 2008). Repeated measure analysis results showed that task and ego orientation a significantly decreased among students educated with teacher-centered teaching style. In contrast, students who had been given student-cantered teaching style education from their physical education teacher increased significantly in ego orientation while task orientation decreased after ten weeks. Changes in the mechanism of goal orientation is different in various sport settings (club vs. school), individual types (professional vs. amateur), and other substantial factors. The research findings clearly showed that the moderate teaching style is the best teaching style for sport goal orientation of students during physical education classes.


Main Subjects

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