Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Jahrom University

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Sport Sciences Research Institute

3 M.Sc Student of Jahrom University


Purpose: In the last two decades, attention has been paid to the phenomenon of violence against children in sport, which has so far been neglected in Iranian sport. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions and causes of violence against children.
Methodology: Considering the qualitative and exploratory nature of the violence against children in sport, the method of qualitative research was applied to the grounded theory and Glaser method (1992). The preliminary list was provided using preliminary studies. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews were gathered with 16 of the elite, coachs and experts aware of the subject of the research. The data were then analyzed by three-step, open, axial, and selective coding.
Results: In the open coding, 70 cods were identified that categorized axially into nine categories of Unawareness, taboo, subculture, family structure, club structure, personality characteristics of club factors, personal desires, social learning and child positioning, and in selective coding Sub classified into three contextual, structural and behavioral components.
Conclusion: It seems that various factors play a role in the occurrence of violence against children in Iran's sport. Four elements of the individual, family, society and club are the main constituents of it, and the deficiency in each element can be a way for Violence against the child


Main Subjects

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