Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sport Management, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sport management, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate of the effect of dimensions of the scale of occupational and family values on the self-efficacy of the students in the field of education by considering the role of mediator of creativity and leisure. The research was descriptive and correlational. The population was physical education students (1800). The sample size was estimated by 360 Morgan sampling table (randomly). The research instrument was four questionnaires: occupational and family values scale (1970), Nazarian, and Ramezani, leisure time (2012), Moghimi's creativity (2009) and Darabi's self-efficacy (1395). The validity of the questionnaires was approved by 15 professors. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was also used for instrument reliability. The results indicated that the effect of scale of occupational and family values on self-efficacy through creativity and leisure was positive and significant in postgraduate students. part of the variable effect of the scale of family and occupation values is transmitted by the time-honors and creativity variables on the self-efficacy of the students in the field of higher education. it can be concluded that family and employment are among the most important issues of human life, which, if it is adapted to the conditions and interest of the students in the field of education, will have a favorable effect on society. Creativity leads to a balance between work and family, and this results in higher self-efficacy among the students in the field of higher education, those who have a higher self-efficacy, are more active in leisure than possible obstacles.


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