Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. of motor behavior, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, of motor behavior, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, of motor behavior, University of Tehran,Tehran , Iran

4 Associated Professor, of motor behavior, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran

5 Professor of Biostatistics, Tarbiat-Modares University,Tehran, Iran


Despite the few years that physical literacy has been introduced and developed globally, physical literacy structures have been different in various sources. Lack of a comprehensive and clear structure of physical literacy and its related characteristics can affect people's perception of participation and activity. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to provide a clear framework of the physical literacy model based on the views of experts in Iranian society. Interviews were conducted with 14 experts, and the Strauss-Corbin model of grounded theory was used to analyze data in three stages of coding. Findings showed that physical literacy is the ability/capacity affected by growth in multiple dimensions (cognitive, psychological, physical, and behavioral) in the form of an active lifestyle. The findings also showed that conditions such as gender, disorders, age, and participation in physical activity are areas for outbreak physical literacy, as well as factors such as the Ministry of education, Sports and Health, Welfare and municipalities, politico-economic factors. Socio-cultural, media, and family influence physical literacy. Also, physical education, interventions in childhood and adolescence, providing facilities, experts, and appropriate policies can help develop physical literacy. Findings showed that the consequences of physical literacy could be improving lifestyle, maintaining health and well-being, increasing participation in physical activity, and community health. The present study's results identified a comprehensive and transparent model of the physical literacy framework and can help professionals, researchers, and policymakers provide physical literacy to society.


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