Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Urmia University

2 Associate Professor, Urmia University


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of manipulating sensory and cognitive interference on the dynamic balance task. The research sample was consisted of 60 students of Urmia University of Physical Education with the 25-19 age range. Subjects were targeted in four groups: control, impaired vision, impaired somatosensory and visual removed and performed balance task in the balance system dynamic, once without cognitive task and once with the cognitive task. For analyze the data were used Analysis of variance with repeated measures, ANOVA and Tukey test. Results showed significant main effects test type and interaction with effect of group (P≤0.01).In other words, the secondary cognitive task has significant effects on the dynamic balance. ANOVA test results showed a significant difference between groups in both types of test. Finally, the results showed that there is a paired difference between the groups, except of visual impairment with sensory impairment groups. As a result, the increased cognitive load can disturbed perform of dynamic balance task. Also the dynamic balance task is related to somatosensory and visual information and Impairment of the senses, causing a decrease in performance of optimal task.


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