Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sport management Department, Sport science Faculty, Hakim Sabzevari university

2 Sport Management Department, Sport Science Faculty, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

3 Hakim Sabzavari University


The current study aims to explore the relationship between job resources, job demands and the motivation of physical education teachers in Khorasan Razavi. The research method was a descriptive correlational approach based on a structural equation model. The statistical population comprises all physical education teachers in Khorasan Razavi province across all levels during the 2021-2020 academic year, totaling 2074 individuals (1099 males and 975 females). A clustered sampling technique was utilized to select a research sample of 200 individuals. Data collection for this study utilized the Chang questionnaire (2016) to assess all three variables. The questionnaire's face and content validity was confirmed by ten sports management experts, and questionnaire reliability was confirmrd with Cronbach's alpha coefficients for job resources (0.75), job requirements (0.79), and work motivation (0.84). Data analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling with PLS software. The findings indicated that physical job resources positively influenced the motivation of physical education teachers significantly, with a path coefficient of 0.38, while organizational job resources had a path coefficient of 0.37. Physical job demands had a significant negative impact on motivation, with a path coefficient of -0.23, emotional job demands with a path coefficient of -0.41, but cognitive demands did not significantly influence on teacher motivation. In summary, enhancing the motivation of physical education teachers can be achieved by providing adequate physical resources (such as sufficient budget), organizational resources(such as access to professional development opportunities), reducing physical needs (such as sports facilities), and emotional needs (such as non-interference in teachers' work).


Main Subjects