Document Type : Research Paper
1 P.hd. Student in Sports Management, Non-Profit Ivanki University, Tehran, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran, (Corresponding Author)
3 Physical education department, Humanities Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University
The purpose of this research was to design a mechanism to promote the psychological empowerment of physical education teachers. This study was applied, employing a qualitative methodology. Deep and Semi-structured interviews were conducted with university-educated specialists in physical education and sports sciences, as well as teachers, specialists, experts, and executive directors in the field of physical education. The sampling method was targeted and criteria-based. Thematic analysis was utilized to analyze the data. After coding all the data, the process of sorting and categorizing the codes began, resulting in the identification of 11 sub-themes, which were grouped into four main themes. One main theme is the nature of psychological empowerment of physical education teachers, encompassing four sub-themes: self-efficacy, sense of competence, influence, and meaningfulness. Another main theme, fundamental factors empowering physical education teachers, includes two sub-themes: the characteristics of the physical education teacher and the characteristics of the organization. The third main theme, facilitating factors of empowerment, includes three sub-themes: professional development space, allocation of resources and facilities, and executive affairs and school management. Finally, the last main theme, consequences of psychological empowerment of physical education teachers, consists of two sub-themes: the well-being of the physical education teacher and teaching effectiveness. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that improving the psychological empowerment of physical education teachers requires considering the fundamental, facilitating factors and going through step-by-step processes. If each of these items is considered alone, psychological empowerment cannot effectively lead to the professional development of physical education teachers.
Main Subjects