Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty member of arak university

2 manager of arak sport and youth office

3 arak university employee


The purpose of this study was to investigate barriers and strategies for relationship between sport industry and higher education institutions in Markazi province. The research performed in 2 parts. The population included all participants were in the sport industry and higher education institutions. The formula to estimate the sample size was used to determine the sample so 273 subjects in part 1 were selected through stratified random and 135 subjects in part 2 were selected through purposing sampling methods. The research tools were a researcher made questionnaires includes barriers and strategies for relationship between the two parts. Data were analyzed using the binomial and Friedman tests in the package SPSS version 18. According to the results, the main barriers between relationship sports industry and higher education, including cultural, legal, educational, research, administrative, structural, policy and planning barriers. Finally, identify 43 strategies such as using the capabilities of all higher education institutions,  committee established communication with higher education institutions, improving the capabilities quality of managers and experts,  increased funding of research,using the research findings in the sports industry,alumni association of physical education and using it for the development of sports, and attract them in the sports industry of Markazi province to reduce or solving these barriers that are recommended for the development of the interaction between the two parts to be used.


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