Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc Degree, Razi University

2 Associate Professor, Razi University

3 Assistant Professor, Razi University


   The purpose of study was to investigate the effects of the marketing mix elements on the brand equity in the sports apparel industry from the perspective of physical education students and graduates by introducing a new conducted model. Research Method was descriptive and the type of the survey was based on the structural equation modeling. Population of the study was the students and graduated students of the physical education of the country, that 805 subjects were selected based on a goal-oriented sample, by using of the in person and online questionnaires, that whole Iran. Data was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Structural equation analysis results showed that the model fit is good (NFI، CFI، IFI، GFI<0.9؛ RMSEA ،RMR<0.08). The value of the brand contains the brand loyalty, brand awareness and associate satisfaction and perceived quality of the work. Furthermore, the impact of these measures on brand equity was strengthened through the elements, price, store image, advertising, sponsorship, promotion, distribution, and sale, respectively. Therefore, in order to strengthen the brand equity in apparel and sports equipment, it was essential that domestic producers perform necessary investments according to the above factors, priority, and planning.


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