Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistants professors of Hakim Sabzevari University

2 Ph.D. student of Motor Control at Tehran University


The purpose of this study was to determine the construct validity and internal consistency of Persian version of Coach- Athlete Relationship questionnaire among university athletes. To this end, one hundred ninety male athletes participating in different individual and team sport in 12th national sport Olympiad of university students held in Shahid Beheshty University completed the questionnaires voluntarily. To perform this research, firstly, with the use of translation-back translation methods, face validity and translation accuracy of Persian version of Coach- Athlete Relationship questionnaire were confirmed. Then, the Confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equations model and Cronbach Alpha coefficient were used to determine the construct validity and internal consistency of questionnaire. Results show that in first order confirmatory factor analysis of Persian version of questionnaire, fit indexes do not support the appropriateness of 3 factors -11 items model of original version, whereas by omitting 6th item, first and second order confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach Alpha coefficients supported the 3 factor-10 items- structure of Coach/Athlete Relationship Questionnaire in community of university sports and confirm its validity and reliability. Therefore, it is proposed that for evaluating coach and athlete relationship in academia, modified Persian version of coach- athlete relationship be used.


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