Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of self-regulation and Meta cognition beliefs on sporting success of elite, expert and beginner athletes. Statistical society consisted of 22 athletes of 8 sport fields in Tehran. In order to collect data, we used demographic, self-regulation, Meta cognition beliefs & sporting success questionnaires. Data analyzed with person correlation and multiple regression. The results of Pearson correlation showed that there is a significant positive correlation between sporting success with sports self-regulation (r=0.27) and Meta cognition beliefs (r=0.83) for elite athletes (P<0.05). The correlation of expert and novice athletes for sporting success & Meta cognition beliefs was r=0.74 and r=0.73 in P<0.05 significant. Variable impact factors of meta cognition beliefs (B=0.77 and t=14.12) and sporting self-regulation (B=0.09 and t=2.06) show that meta cognition beliefs variable with 99.9% confidence and self-regulation of sports with 99.95 percent can confidently predict sporting success in elite athletes Variable impact factors of meta cognition beliefs (B=0.07, t=1.91) and sporting self-regulation (B=0.056 & t=11.51) show that meta cognition beliefs variable with 99.5% confidence and sporting self-regulation with 99% confidence can successfully predict expert athletics. Variable impact factors of Meta cognition beliefs (B=0.67 & t=9.64) show that Meta cognition beliefs with 99.9% confidence can predict beginner athletic success. Therefore, it can be concluded that increasing the Meta cognition beliefs and self-regulation of sport will be cause expert athletic success. But self-regulation in beginner athletic is not able to predict the sporting success.


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