Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Motor Behavior, University of Semnan

2 M.Sc. of Motor Behavior, University of Semnan


The aim of the current research was to investigate the effect of sleep deprivation and retroactive intervention on offline learning of basketball free throw skill. 50 novice subjects participated of boukan҆s boys were chosen based on their mark in Petersburg sleep quality questionnaire and they were classified into five groups including night deep sleep, sleep deprived, night deep sleep and retroactive intervention, sleep deprived and retroactive intervention. The Harrison ability test was used to measure the performance and dart throw was considered for retroactive intervention group. The main part of the study included training and pre-test, two sessions of practice and retention test. Regarding the meaning of offline learning, the difference between the marks of first session final attempt group and second session primitive attempt group was considered as the offline learning mark. The test of variance analyzes with repeated measures, one-way variance analyses test and Tukey post hoc test were applied to analyze data. The outcomes showed the difference between offline learning (p=0.001) and retention marks of research groups (p=0.007) is significant. The groups with enough time to rest between two sessions have a higher level of performance the next day. Based on this results it can be concluded that to promote learning rate and prevent the disruption of skill learning individuals should attend to their daily activities and sleep patterns.


Main Subjects

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