Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's degree in Sport Management, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University Of Tehran , Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences and Health, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences and Health, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


This study aim to identify the obstacles to the development of student sports through new technologies. The research method was qualitative using thematic analysis technique (Baron and Clark, 2006). The community of this research included all experts in the field of student sports and emerging technologies, including the central and middle managers of the Ministry of Education, stakeholders in the field of student sports and emerging technologies, and physical education teachers. Based on purposeful sampling, 16 individuals were selected as the sample (until reaching theoretical saturation). The research tool was in-depth and semi-structured interviews. To check the validity of the survey, re-inspection of the path of obtaining information, long-term engagement and continuous comparison were done. Also, to check the reliability, the open-ended reliability test was used. In order to analyze the data, open and axial coding is used. All the data analysis process was done in MAXQDA software version 2020. Ultimately, 5 components were recognized as obstacles to the development of student sports through new technologies, which included “economic, cultural, facilities, human and managerial” obstacles. Based on the results, it is suggested that it would be useful that physical education teachers and trainers learn and become familiar with novel technologies before using them in their classroom. Considering that technological devices are affordable, available and portable; School administrators should allocate a part of their budget to the provision of technological devices. This brings internal motivation for both the teacher and the learners.


Main Subjects

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