Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Student in Sports Management, Shomal University, Amol, Iran

2 Assistant professor/University of Art, /Tehran, /Iran

3 Ph.D, Physical Education Teacher, Education Office, Babol, Mazandaran, Iran


Physical education and sports are the essential part of the school’s official curriculum. There is no doubt about the potential of school sports to solve many social, psychological, and educational problems of students in political assemblies, media, scientific environments, and studies conducted in the field of student sports. This research is a qualitative study based on grounded theory And with a purpose to explore the obstacles and solutions for the expansion of physical education in schools in Iran's educational system. Systematic library studies and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data.The results showed: the existing obstacles on the way to the physical education expansion in schools in four categories including: human obstacles, educational obstacles, structural obstacles, and systemic obstacles and the solutions for the physical education expansion in schools in four categories including: organizational solutions, educational-specialized solutions, Supplementary solutions, and management solutions were identified. It is suggested that taking into account the results of this research by using experts, while analyzing the existing obstacles and using the proposed solutions, the planners attempt to improve the physical education status of schools and provide its revival actually.


Main Subjects

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