Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, Sport Management department, Payame –Noor University, Iran

2 2. Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology,Payame Noor University, Iran

3 Department of Sports Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

4 MA Student, Department of sport management, Payame Noor University, Tehran. Iran.


The present research aims to provide a model for participation in leisure sports and prevention of addiction to virtual spaces among physical education teachers in Ahvaz city. This research is applied in terms of its objective and utilizes a structural equation modeling approach for data collection. The statistical population of this research includes physical education teachers in Ahvaz city, with a total of 1201 individuals according to the latest available statistics. Based on Cochran's formula, a sample of 292 individuals was selected through non-random convenience sampling. The data collection tools consisted of Ismaeili's (2011) leisure sports questionnaire and Yang's (1998) addiction to virtual spaces questionnaire. The face and content validity of the research questionnaires were confirmed by experts and specialists. The reliability of the research questionnaires was determined using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, yielding 0.81 for the leisure sports questionnaire and 0.84 for the addiction to virtual spaces questionnaire. Structural equation modeling was employed for data analysis to determine the relationships and model the findings. The results indicated that this participation model not only contributes to the improvement of the physical and mental health levels of teachers but also protects them from the negative effects of addiction to virtual spaces. Given the importance of the role of physical education teachers in promoting societal health, raising awareness, and promoting this participation model in education and workshops can be considered an effective strategy in managing these challenges.


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