Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in sport management, Sport Science Faculty, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Physical education teacher in Tehran, District 9


The aim of the research was to identify the opportunities and challenges of sports for female students. The present research method is qualitative. The statistical population was experts related to the subject, and 13 of these people were selected as a sample using the purposeful sampling method and after reaching theoretical saturation. Data analysis was done using thematic analysis and MaxQuda version 18 software. Guba and Lincoln (1989) criteria were used to check the validity and reliability of the results obtained from the qualitative part. The results showed that the opportunities, challenges and solutions of female students' sports have 227 concepts, 26 sub-themes and three main themes including opportunities (9 items), challenges (9 items) and solutions (8 items). According to the results of the research, it is suggested that managers and assistants of education, experts, teachers and physical education teachers use the results of the research to solve the challenges and use the opportunities to improve the sports condition of female students.


Main Subjects